MANUAL REVISIONS TO THE R$P PERSONAL (v1.x) TAX TABLES ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Use Tools->RSP Utilities->Display License Information to find out which version you have installed. R$P Personal users need Version 1.41 or higher. Send an e-mail to if you use a prior version. 2) Use Excel's Format->Sheet->Unhide to unhide the TaxTables worksheet. 3) Use Excel's Tools->Protection->Unprotect Sheet to allow changes to it. 4) There are 4 major blocks of data, one for each Filing Status, as follows: Married Joint, Single, Married Separate, Head of Household. Each major block has 6 tables specified, as follows: Federal tax schedule for regular income; State tax rate for regular income (linked to PortfolioSensitivityInputs); Local tax rate for regular income (linked to PortfolioSensitivityInputs); Federal tax schedule for long-term capital gains; Federal penalty for early tax-deferred distributions; Federal tax schedule for long-term capital gains, for use by clients in the first 2 regular income tax brackets; Change the income breakpoints (column 7) and corresponding rates (column 8) to the values for the current tax year. Make sure that the final income breakpoint for each table is set to "Unlimited". The State and Local Tax Rates must be changed on the PortfolioSensitivityInputs and DetailedInputs1 worksheets. 5) Change the Tax Table Year (cell R1C6 or F1) to the current tax year. 6) Use Excel's File->Save or File->Save As to save the revised R$P workbook.