Wagner Math Finance
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Retirement Planning
M-V Optimization
M-V Optimizer
MVO Library
Style Analysis
SA Library


Out of our long history of consulting experiences Wagner has developed a number of ready-to-use mathematical finance software products in our areas of specialty. These products focus on retirement planning using Monte Carlo simulation techniques, portfolio optimization using the technique of mean-variance optimization, and analysis of the performance of portfolio managers (style analysis) using quadratic optimization. The table below can help you decide which products address your personal or business needs.

Retirement Planning
Product Customer Audience Price Uses
RSP 3 Professional / Financial Planner $1,100 to $1,156 Provide informed technical advice on retirement planning to multiple clients.
Portfolio Optimization
Product Customer Audience Price Uses
M-V Optimizer Personal or Professional UNAVAILABLE Optimally rebalance an investment portfolio on a periodic basis.
MVO Library Professional / Applications Developer Call Develop an application which embeds extensive portfolio optimization capability.
Portfolio Management Performance Analysis
Product Customer Audience Price Uses
WAstyler Professional / Portfolio Manager $500 Analyze the performance of a porfolio manager's style.
Style Analysis Library Professional / Applications Developer Call Develop an application which embeds the capability to analyze the performance of portfolio managers.